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TwinCAT 3 Engineering

Configuration, programming and debugging of applications with TwinCAT 3 Engineering.

TwinCAT 3 Analytics and Scope Reporting Function

PDF report automatically generated from TwinCAT Scope for logging measurement and process data
PDF report automatically generated from TwinCAT Scope for logging measurement and process data

Outputting data to engineering tools or web dashboards is not always the end of the processing chain. In many cases, data for a produced part, a test sequence, or the machine itself has to be stored as a report for a specified time, which is why Beckhoff now offers a Reporting Server that can be accessed from various TwinCAT tools.

TwinCAT Analytics and TwinCAT Scope offer the option to create an on-demand report after an engineering analysis. Alternatively, both tools can be configured to automatically generate runtime reports. In the case of TwinCAT Analytics, this works via the automatic PLC code generation feature in the Analytics Workbench, which can also generate the PLC code for new reports. The corresponding PLC function blocks are available in the Analytics PLC library and can both collect data for the report and also trigger the report. In TwinCAT Scope, reports are generated automatically by trigger events that can be defined by the user.

Not only can the reports be customized with logos and headers, but they are also compatible with PDF, HTML, and JSON target file formats. There is even the option to have them emailed out automatically from Scope and Analytics.


TE1300 | TwinCAT 3 Scope View Professional

TE1300 | TwinCAT 3 Scope View Professional

TwinCAT 3 Scope View 是一款软件示波器,用于通过各种绘图工具以图形方式显示信号曲线。例如 YT、XY、条形图或数字图表。Scope View 专业版是 Scope View 基础版的扩展,包含在 TwinCAT 3 XAE 中,具有更多功能。主要用于长时间跟踪和监控处理过程。

TE3500 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench

TE3500 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench

TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench 是一款 TwinCAT 3 开发环境产品,用于从各种空间分布的设备控制器中创建持续数据分析。工作台的配置集成在 Microsoft Visual Studio® 中,用作图形用户界面。用于配置分析的工具箱中提供了许多算法:

TE3520 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Service Tool

TE3520 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Service Tool

TwinCAT 3 Analytics Service Tool 是设备调试和维修工程师的理想工具。通过物联网连接可以检索实时和历史数据以进行分析。分析在 Microsoft Visual Studio® 中进行配置,用户可以在这里轻松访问算法工具箱,以实施相关的生命周期、循环时间、包络线或组件计数器分析。算法的输出可以用作其它算法的输入,或者直接在图形编辑器中作为结果输出。使用 TwinCAT Scope 绘图工具进行的并行记录可以轻松显示信号通路。用户可以直接将分析结果从分析配置工具中拖出并放入绘图工具中,以标记数据流中哪些位置是重要的。产品组件之间的交互特别在诊断机器行为方面有优势,并能够突出优化潜力。由于使用了物联网技术,用户在哪已经不重要,这意味着维修技术人员可以从几乎任何位置执行系统和设备诊断。

TF3300 | TwinCAT 3 Scope Server

TF3300 | TwinCAT 3 Scope Server

The TwinCAT 3 Scope Server prepares data for the graphical display in the TwinCAT 3 Scope View. It can be used with the Scope View Base or the TE1300 Scope View Professional version. The Scope Server is particularly suitable for autonomous data recording in distributed systems in the production, plant or machine network. It not only has TwinCAT-specific communication interfaces, but also a standardized communication connection via OPC UA.

TF3510 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Library

TF3510 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Library

The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Library is a PLC library with analysis functions for process and application data. It can be used locally on the machine controller or on a remote analysis system with an IoT communication connection. In both use cases, a great deal of engineering time can be saved with the automatic PLC code generation by the TE3500 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench. For local use, only the mapping takes place manually; in the IoT workflow, even the mapping is omitted and is carried out automatically.

TF3550 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime

TF3550 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime

The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime is the runtime “container” for the Analytics application, which was configured and developed in the TE3500 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench. The runtime can be installed locally, on remote hardware or in a virtual machine. It also contains the TF2000 TwinCAT 3 HMI Server, which hosts the analytics dashboard. In summary, the TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime represents a bundle of different licenses. It contains a PLC runtime, the Analytics PLC library, the IoT connection with MQTT and HTTPS/Rest, the Storage Provider connection, the TwinCAT 3 HMI Server and a corresponding client package, so that several users can view the designed Analytics Dashboard simultaneously.

TF3551 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime Base

TF3551 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime Base

The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime Base is the container in which the analytics application runs that was configured and developed in the TE3500 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench. The runtime can be installed locally, on remote hardware or in a virtual machine. It is the ideal product if an analysis is to be operated “headless” or if a visualization of your own is already available.