久经考验、无缝兼容、降本增效:在相同的传输距离情况下,XTS 模块化系统中的 EcoLine 电机模块仅需原先大家所熟知的电机模块 55% 的成本,就能实现其 95% 的性能。欢迎观看本期视频,了解我们如何达成这一目标。

AT2202 | EcoLine motor module, straight, with plug connector for infeed
The AT2202 motor module is very similar to the AT2200 motor module. In addition, it has a connector for the supply of power and communication, to which connection cables in variable lengths can be connected. Compared to fixed connection cables, the connection cables are drag-chain suitable and longer cable lengths are possible. With a length of 500 mm, the motor modules with infeed represent an economical alternative to standard motor modules. By attaching motor modules without infeed, straight and curved track layouts, the infeed line can be extended up to 3 m. An entire XTS system consists of at least one infeed line. Several infeed lines of different lengths can be used in one XTS system. The length of an infeed line is primarily determined by the mechanical motion profile of the movers and thus the electrical power consumption and the number of movers on the respective track.

AT2200 | EcoLine motor module, straight, without infeed
The AT2200 motor module is an element for setting up straight XTS track sections. Simply plugging them together is sufficient to establish an electrical connection between these motor modules. With one power supply, a maximum of 6 motor modules can be plugged together one after the other in a 3 m long infeed line. The standardized length of 500 mm enables finely scalable system lengths and represents an economical alternative to standard motor modules.