

静安区汶水路 299 弄 9-10 号
上海, 200072, 中国

+86 21 6631 2666


新型 XPlanar 平面模块

倍福平面磁悬浮输送系统现推出两款全新的平面模块,即高度紧凑的 XPlanar 驱动模块。它们的尺寸更大,可以在最小的占地面积上让 155 mm 宽的 XPlanar 动子单轨或双轨运行。Johannes Beckhoff 介绍了这些新产品的功能、优势以及应用。


XPlanar | 平面磁悬浮输送系统

XPlanar | 平面磁悬浮输送系统


APS4244-1000-0000 | XPlanar tile, 320 mm x 320 mm

APS4244-1000-0000 | XPlanar tile, 320 mm x 320 mm

The APS4244 XPlanar tile measures 320 mm x 320 mm, making it ideal for the two-way operation of APM43x0 movers (measuring 155 mm wide). The APS4244 can be combined with APS4224 or APS4242 as required. A minimum space requirement for corresponding XPlanar systems is guaranteed.

APS4244-1x00-0000 | XPlanar tile, 320 mm x 320 mm

APS4244-1x00-0000 | XPlanar tile, 320 mm x 320 mm

The APS4244 XPlanar tile measures 320 mm x 320 mm, making it ideal for the two-way operation of APM43x0 movers (measuring 155 mm wide). The APS4244 can be combined with APS4224 or APS4242 as required. A minimum space requirement for corresponding XPlanar systems is guaranteed.

APS4244-1100-0000 | XPlanar tile, 320 mm x 320 mm

APS4244-1100-0000 | XPlanar tile, 320 mm x 320 mm

The APS4244 XPlanar tile measures 320 mm x 320 mm, making it ideal for the two-way operation of APM43x0 movers (measuring 155 mm wide). The APS4244 can be combined with APS4224 or APS4242 as required. A minimum space requirement for corresponding XPlanar systems is guaranteed.

APS4224-1x00-0000 | XPlanar tile, 160 mm x 320 mm

APS4224-1x00-0000 | XPlanar tile, 160 mm x 320 mm

The APS4224 XPlanar tile measures 160 mm x 320 mm, making it ideal for the one-way operation of APM43x0 movers (measuring 155 mm wide). The long side of the tile is installed parallel to the Y axis of the system. A minimum space requirement for corresponding XPlanar systems is guaranteed.

APS4224-1100-0000 | XPlanar tile, 160 mm x 320 mm

APS4224-1100-0000 | XPlanar tile, 160 mm x 320 mm

The APS4224 XPlanar tile measures 160 mm x 320 mm, making it ideal for the one-way operation of APM43x0 movers (measuring 155 mm wide). The long side of the tile is installed parallel to the Y axis of the system. A minimum space requirement for corresponding XPlanar systems is guaranteed.

APS4224-1000-0000 | XPlanar tile, 160 mm x 320 mm

APS4224-1000-0000 | XPlanar tile, 160 mm x 320 mm

The APS4224 XPlanar tile measures 160 mm x 320 mm, making it ideal for the one-way operation of APM43x0 movers (measuring 155 mm wide). The long side of the tile is installed parallel to the Y axis of the system. A minimum space requirement for corresponding XPlanar systems is guaranteed.

APS4242-1000-0000 | XPlanar tile, 320 mm x 160 mm

APS4242-1000-0000 | XPlanar tile, 320 mm x 160 mm

The APS4242 XPlanar tile measures 320 mm x 160 mm, making it ideal for the one-way operation of APM43x0 movers (measuring 155 mm wide). The long side of the tile is installed parallel to the X axis of the system. A minimum space requirement for corresponding XPlanar systems is guaranteed.

APS4242-1100-0000 | XPlanar tile, 320 mm x 160 mm

APS4242-1100-0000 | XPlanar tile, 320 mm x 160 mm

The APS4242 XPlanar tile measures 320 mm x 160 mm, making it ideal for the one-way operation of APM43x0 movers (measuring 155 mm wide). The long side of the tile is installed parallel to the X axis of the system. A minimum space requirement for corresponding XPlanar systems is guaranteed.