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#29.05, Tòa nhà Pearl Plaza, 561A, Đường Điện Biên Phủ
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Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

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Jun 28, 2023

automatica 2023: Beckhoff Trade Show TV

Rethinking automation - this is what we presented to you at automatica 2023. Take a look at our technology highlights from the fields of control technology, image processing, and robotics in the Beckhoff Trade Show TV.

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Our MX-System combines all technological innovations in automation technology in an IP67-capable modular system.

ATRO | Automation Technology for Robotics

ATRO | Automation Technology for Robotics

The ATRO system offers a unique, modular, and flexible industrial robot system that is fully integrated into the Beckhoff automation system.



The balanced hardware portfolio for industrial machine vision offers complete system integration from a single source.

Handling and assembly technology

Handling and assembly technology

PC-based control technology from Beckhoff optimizes the entire process chain: from handling, production, and assembly to testing, control, and management.