
본사 대한민국
Beckhoff Automation Co., Ltd.

대륭테크노타운 3차 12층
가산디지털2로 115
08505 금천구, 서울특별시, 대한민국

+82 2 2107-3242

Jan 9, 2019

Dynamic movement of a servo-hydraulic hybrid axis with high precision

A further highlight at EuroBlech 2018 was a live demonstration of a drive application: dynamic movement of a servo-hydraulic hybrid axis with high precision.

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Our innovative drive technologies give you almost unlimited capabilities when it comes to realizing your application.

TF5810 | TwinCAT 3 Hydraulic Positioning

TF5810 | TwinCAT 3 Hydraulic Positioning

The TwinCAT Hydraulic Positioning is a PLC library for controlling hydraulic axes. It is manufacturer-independent and replaces external controllers. The most diverse applications and different axis control concepts are supported. The number of axes depends only on the performance of the PC.

Sheet metal working

Sheet metal working

High performance built-in: PC-based control from Beckhoff for all control and drive applications in sheet metal working