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Beckhoff Automation AG

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C9900-G07x | Push-button extension for 7- and 10.1-inch Economy built-in panels

C9900-G07x | Push-button extension for 7- and 10.1-inch Economy built-in panels

C9900-G07x | Push-button extension for 7- and 10.1-inch Economy built-in panels

C9900-G07x | Push-button extension for 7- and 10.1-inch Economy built-in panels

C9900-G07x | Push-button extension for 7- and 10.1-inch Economy built-in panels

Push-button extension for 7-inch “Economy” built-in panels

Push-button extension for 7-inch “Economy” built-in panels

Push-button extension for 10.1-inch “Economy” built-in panels

Push-button extension for 10.1-inch “Economy” built-in panels

Push button extensions for control panel and panel PCs

Push button extensions for control panel and panel PCs

The C9900-G07x push-button extensions supplement the Economy built-in Panel PCs and Control Panels with an emergency stop and three push-buttons with signal lamp.

The push-button extension can be ordered as an ex factory option for all Control Panels and Panel PCs of the Economy family in sizes 7 inches (CP6606, CP6706 and C6906) and 10.1 inches (CP6600, CP6700 and CP6900).

The C9900-G070 and G9900-G072 push-button extensions can be controlled and queried via USB or alternatively via a terminal strip. In the case of the C9900-G071 and C9900-G073 the entire wiring goes via a terminal strip.

Insert labels for the button caps can be ordered as an option for the individual marking of each button.

Product status:

regular delivery

Product information

Technical dataC9900-G07x
TypePush-button extension for 7- and 10.1-inch Economy built-in panels
Labelsfor push-button caps for individual marking of each push-button
Key typepush-buttons with signal lamp, type RAFI RAFIX 22FS+, round, 30 mm
Emergency stop1 emergency stop, type RAFI RAFIX 22FS+
Push-button positionhorizontal push-button extension below
Communication– controlled and queried via USB or via terminal strip
– break contacts of the emergency stop via terminal strip
Connectionvia terminal strip
Ordering informationPush-button extension for 7- and 10.1-inch Economy
built-in panels
C9900-G070push-button extension for CP6x06 with landscape 7-inch display, USB
C9900-G071push-button extension for CP6x06 with landscape 7-inch display, terminal row
C9900-G072push-button extension for CP6x00 with landscape 10.1-inch display, USB
C9900-G073push-button extension for CP6x00 with landscape 10.1-inch display, terminal row

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