TwinCAT 3 Analytics
+86 21 6631 2666
TwinCAT 3 Analytics Storage Provider 可以完美地满足上述要求。目前经过重新设计后,它不仅支持多种数据源和多个存储目的地,还能够映射完整的存储策略。例如,它可以用作为一种配置解决方案,将数据写入到一个小型二进制环形缓冲区,数据可在其中以全分辨率保留数天,以供日后的技术支持和服务使用。然后,数据可以转移到第二个存储器,例如在边缘设备上提供未来三个月的数据。数据不再以全分辨率存储,而是降采样并取平均值,以减少数据量。从长远来看(几年时间以上),Analytics Storage Provider 可以从第二个存储器的数据中计算出特定的关键数值,并以纯文本形式存储在中央服务器中,例如 Microsoft SQL®。
除了 Microsoft SQL® 之外,也可使用 InfluxDB2 存储纯文本数据。数学运算可应用于数据流中的数据。用户可以在图形编辑界面中创建各个存储策略。这意味着,即使是分层嵌套的存储结构,也可以非常容易地映射。在将数据从存储器 A 移至存储器 B 时,不再需要进行常规的编程工作。
利用 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench,可通过过程数据和图像数据的配置自动生成 PLC 代码和 HMI 图形用户界面。这个过程相当简单。用户可以为每次分析选择一个特定的或自建的 TwinCAT HMI 控件。当选定颜色、Logo 和背景图片后,图形用户界面即可自动生成并下载到目标系统中。生成的图形用户界面是以自动生成的 PLC 代码中的分析结果作为基础展示的。
由于最终用户可能偏好某些特定的显示方式,通过交互式图形界面功能可以为每个用户单独显示以及布局生成的控件。用户无需返回到开发设计步骤, 他们可以直接在浏览器中设置参数。
TwinCAT Analytics 是数据分析领域高性能的代名词。数据以高分辨率的二进制文件或二进制 MQTT 数据流的形式提供。通过全新的 TwinCAT Analytics Python API,可以直接在 Python 中使用文件和数据流。这样就可以将数据输入到更广泛的算法中。另外,还可以通过将支持 Analytics 格式的文件或生成的 MQTT 数据流作为数据源放到收费的 API 中使用。同样地,用户可以继续在 TwinCAT Analytics 开发和 Runtime 工具中对来源于 Python API 的数据进行分析评估。
.NET 代码开发人员也可以使用相同的方案。这样就可以非常容易地编写出用于数据单向或双向转换的小型应用程序。
TwinCAT Analytics 产品系列是一套包含完整设备数据分析工作流程的开发套件:从数据采集、数据通信和数据历史存档到数据分析,以及基于 Web 交互的操作界面。
The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Logger ensures the cycle-synchronous acquisition of process and application data from the machine controller. The logger is characterized by high performance because it works directly in the real-time context of the TwinCAT controller. The data acquired is optionally transmitted to a message broker via the IoT communication protocol MQTT or stored locally in a file on the hard drive of the machine control and recorded with ring buffer functionality. The configuration necessary for this is done in Microsoft Visual Studio® within the TwinCAT project. All variables of the process image and the PLC application can easily be added to the configuration via checkbox without any programming effort.
The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Storage Provider is an MQTT client and provides an interface between one or more MQTT message brokers and the relevant data storage units. Various controllers can send data via MQTT, which the storage provider can then store centrally. This can be cyclic raw data or pre-processed data. Historized data is also imported via the storage provider. The storage provider can thus output the data in Engineering for the service technician or in an analytics dashboard in the interactive chart for the production manager.
The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime is the runtime “container” for the Analytics application, which was configured and developed in the TE3500 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench. The runtime can be installed locally, on remote hardware or in a virtual machine. It also contains the TF2000 TwinCAT 3 HMI Server, which hosts the analytics dashboard. In summary, the TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime represents a bundle of different licenses. It contains a PLC runtime, the Analytics PLC library, the IoT connection with MQTT and HTTPS/Rest, the Storage Provider connection, the TwinCAT 3 HMI Server and a corresponding client package, so that several users can view the designed Analytics Dashboard simultaneously.
The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime Base is the container in which the analytics application runs that was configured and developed in the TE3500 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench. The runtime can be installed locally, on remote hardware or in a virtual machine. It is the ideal product if an analysis is to be operated “headless” or if a visualization of your own is already available.