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Virtual PLC

Linux®-based real-time control – now also available as a virtual PLC

Virtual PLC with Beckhoff

Working on the basis of TwinCAT for Linux®, Beckhoff is opening up more application possibilities that enable resource-efficient, virtualized distribution of TwinCAT applications. Both the TwinCAT PLC runtime and TwinCAT functions in the form of containers can be operated not only locally on the controller, but also in a data center. Communication with decentralized I/Os can take place via the EK1000 EtherCAT Coupler in this case.

The diagram illustrates the structure of the Virtual PLC.
The diagram illustrates the structure of the Virtual PLC.

Not only does TwinCAT for Linux® allow the TwinCAT automation software to be executed on the basis of the Linux® operating system, but it also enables TwinCAT to be distributed and operated in the form of containers. Thanks to the modular structure of TwinCAT, the individual TwinCAT applications can also be distributed across several containers. ADS-over-MQTT technology, which has been established on the market for many years and is familiar to users, is available for cross-network communication and can also be used for integrating a virtualized engineering system.

This implementation of a virtual PLC means that the application options can be extended to the local data center as well, allowing certain control or simulation and test tasks to be outsourced from the machine or its control PC. This operating mode holds particular appeal for applications with lower real-time requirements. Communication with the decentralized I/Os can take place via the EK1000 EtherCAT Coupler, which supports the integration of the I/Os via a switched and routed IP network. This simplifies the distribution of various TwinCAT applications and enables the central integration of I/Os located at different points in the company via the IT system.

The advantages of virtual control technology with TwinCAT and Beckhoff hardware:

  • increased flexibility:
    virtual control systems can be easily scaled and adapted to different requirements
  • lower costs:
    there is less need for physical hardware in the field, reducing the associated costs
  • simplified maintenance:
    maintenance and software upgrades are easier to carry out as no physical hardware is affected


C5240 | 19 英寸抽拉式工业 PC

C5240 | 19 英寸抽拉式工业 PC

C5xxx 系列是 19 英寸抽拉式工业 PC, 配备最高性能等级的组件,可以安装 TwinCAT 自动化软件,非常适合用于机械制造和设备工程应用。

C6015 | 无风扇超紧凑型工业 PC

C6015 | 无风扇超紧凑型工业 PC

C6015 工业 PC 是倍福尺寸最小的入门级工业 PC,它仅需要 82 x 82 x 40 mm 的安装空间,其价格降低了约 25%,甚至更多(取决于具体配置),比最经济的倍福 x86 PC 还要便宜很多。由于这款 PC 外形非常紧凑,安装方式灵活多样,其搭载的 Intel Atom® 处理器具有强大的计算能力,几乎适合任何控制柜和机械设计方案。C6015 除了适用于实现各种自动化任务之外,还适合用作物联网网关,或用作边缘控制设备。而 TwinCAT 与 EtherCAT 的全集成性和兼容性是保障实现这一切的基础。

CP29xx | Multi-touch built-in Control Panel

CP29xx | Multi-touch built-in Control Panel

With the CP29xx panels for installation in the front of a control cabinet, Beckhoff customers have a comprehensive range of different equipment variants at their disposal.

EK1000 | EtherCAT TSN 耦合器

EK1000 | EtherCAT TSN 耦合器

EtherCAT 耦合器 EK1000 支持通过 TSN 网络(时间敏感网络)等交换式以太网网络进行 EtherCAT 通信,并允许通过标准网络技术连接各种 EtherCAT 端子模块。EtherCAT Open Mode 协议可通过第二层或 UDP 连接进行通信。通过 UDP,EtherCAT 数据还可通过路由器寻址。EK1000 已经为 TSN 做好准备,当 TSN 技术可用时,可通过固件升级使其具备 TSN 功能, 还可以在 TSN 网络内使用成熟的 EtherCAT 功能,例如分布式时钟和 XFC。此外,它还可以连接不带 TSN 接口的 EtherCAT 驱动器。这样,EK1000 可以高效连接 EtherCAT 和 TSN 网络,并将它们的优势结合于一体:EtherCAT 提供具有实时能力的单级设备层,因此非常适合用于将众多包含工业应用中大量典型数字量和模拟量输入的小数据包整合为一个完整的过程映像。另一方面,TSN 定义了一个物理层,它仅与交换式以太网中的交换层相关。作为通用以太网技术的实时扩展,它通过具有 TSN 功能的交换网络控制用于传输以太网报文的过程和优先级。EtherCAT 耦合器有 2 个 RJ45 接口。其中 1 个 100 Mbit/s 口可以连接 EK1000 和以太网或 TSN 网络。第二个端口支持 EtherCAT 网络扩展,例如通过 EtherCAT 耦合器 EK1100。EK1000 通过兼容 TSN 的 EtherCAT 通信型号扩展 TwinCAT 自动化软件。这样也可以无缝管理 TSN 网络,并可通过 TSN 网络对位于不同终端链中的 EtherCAT 设备进行寻址。

基于 Linux® 的 TwinCAT 实时控制

基于 Linux® 的 TwinCAT 实时控制

新型 TwinCAT Runtime 基于倍福的 Linux® 发行版