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Văn Phòng Đại Diện tại Việt Nam

#29.05, Tòa nhà Pearl Plaza, 561A, Đường Điện Biên Phủ
Phường 25, Quận Bình Thạnh
Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

+84 28 7300-2439

EP43xx | EtherCAT Box, analog combi

The EP43xx I/O modules combine analog inputs and outputs on one device so that an optimal mix can be used in the field. Some modules also have additional inputs/outputs for digital signals.

Your selection:
    • EP4304-1002 | EtherCAT Box, 2-channel analog input + 2-channel analog output, voltage, ±10 V, 16 bit, single-ended, M12, 2 x digital input 24 V DC

      EP4304-1002 | EtherCAT Box, 2-channel analog input + 2-channel analog output, voltage, ±10 V, 16 bit, single-ended, M12, 2 x digital input 24 V DC

      4, Combi
      Signal resolution (analog):
      16 bit
    • EP4314-1002 | EtherCAT Box, 2-channel analog input + 2-channel analog output, multi-function, ±20 mA, 16 bit, single-ended, M12

      EP4314-1002 | EtherCAT Box, 2-channel analog input + 2-channel analog output, multi-function, ±20 mA, 16 bit, single-ended, M12

      4, Combi
      Signal resolution (analog):
      16 bit
    • EP4374-0002 | EtherCAT Box, 2-channel analog input + 2-channel analog output, multi-function, ±10 V, 0/4…20 mA, 16 bit, differential, M12

      EP4374-0002 | EtherCAT Box, 2-channel analog input + 2-channel analog output, multi-function, ±10 V, 0/4…20 mA, 16 bit, differential, M12Preferred type

      4, Combi
      Signal resolution (analog):
      16 bit
    • EP4378-1022 | EtherCAT Box, 4-channel analog input + 4-channel analog output, multi-function, ±10 V, 0/4…±20 mA, 16 bit, single-ended, M12

      EP4378-1022 | EtherCAT Box, 4-channel analog input + 4-channel analog output, multi-function, ±10 V, 0/4…±20 mA, 16 bit, single-ended, M12

      8, Combi
      Signal resolution (analog):
      16 bit