
Oficina central México
Beckhoff Automation, S.A. de C.V.

Boulevard Manuel Ávila Camacho 2610, Torre B, Piso 9, Colonia Valle de los Pinos, Tlalnepantla de Baz
Estado de México CP 54040, México

+52 55 75998058

MD9xxx | Capacitors

The MD9000-2025-2250 storage module expands the DC link capacity and is suitable for supporting the DC link. It is used to save energy: voltage peaks that occur when motors are braked, recorded and stored.

Your selection:
    • MD9000-2025-2250 | Capacitor module, 600 V DC, 2025 µF

      MD9000-2025-2250 | Capacitor module, 600 V DC, 2025 µF

      Product status:
      product announcement