
Oficina central México
Beckhoff Automation, S.A. de C.V.

Boulevard Manuel Ávila Camacho 2610, Torre B, Piso 9, Colonia Valle de los Pinos, Tlalnepantla de Baz
Estado de México CP 54040, México

+52 55 75998058

TF6xxx | TwinCAT 3 Connectivity

One of the great advantages of TwinCAT 3 is the wide range of options for interaction and communication with other systems - numerous TwinCAT 3 functions are available for this purpose in order to address various communication scenarios and to implement protocol functions.

Your selection:
    • TF6010 | TwinCAT 3 ADS Monitor

      TF6010 | TwinCAT 3 ADS Monitor

      recording and diagnostics functions for the communication of TwinCAT systems
    • TF6020 | TwinCAT 3 JSON Data Interface

      TF6020 | TwinCAT 3 JSON Data Interface

      interface for the exchange of data in JSON format between the TwinCAT system and custom applications
    • TF6100 | TwinCAT 3 OPC UA

      TF6100 | TwinCAT 3 OPC UA

      access to TwinCAT in accordance with OPC UA with UA server (DA/HA/AC) and UA client (DA)
    • TF6105 | TwinCAT 3 OPC UA Pub/Sub

      TF6105 | TwinCAT 3 OPC UA Pub/Sub

      protocol implementation for OPC UA Pub/Sub (UDP and MQTT)
    • TF6220 | TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT Redundancy 250

      TF6220 | TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT Redundancy 250

      extension of the TwinCAT EtherCAT master with cable redundancy capability for up to 250 slaves
    • TF6225 | TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT External Sync

      TF6225 | TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT External Sync

      extension of the TwinCAT EtherCAT master with an option to synchronize the Beckhoff real-time communication with external signals
    • TF6230 | TwinCAT 3 Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP)

      TF6230 | TwinCAT 3 Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP)

      TwinCAT Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) provides a redundant network communication according to IEC 62439-3. It offers a transparent Ethernet connection via two separate networks. The diagnostics information is provided in TwinCAT.
    • TF6250 | TwinCAT 3 Modbus TCP

      TF6250 | TwinCAT 3 Modbus TCP

      communication with Modbus TCP devices (server and client functionality)
    • TF6255 | TwinCAT 3 Modbus RTU

      TF6255 | TwinCAT 3 Modbus RTU

      serial communication with Modbus end devices
    • TF6270 | TwinCAT 3 PROFINET RT Device

      TF6270 | TwinCAT 3 PROFINET RT Device

      communication via PROFINET (PROFINET slave)
    • TF6271 | TwinCAT 3 PROFINET RT Controller

      TF6271 | TwinCAT 3 PROFINET RT Controller

      communication via PROFINET (PROFINET master)
    • TF6280 | TwinCAT 3 EtherNet/IP™ Adapter

      TF6280 | TwinCAT 3 EtherNet/IP™ Adapter

      communication via EtherNet/IP™ (EtherNet/IP™ adapter)
    • TF6281 | TwinCAT 3 EtherNet/IP™ Scanner

      TF6281 | TwinCAT 3 EtherNet/IP™ Scanner

      communication via EtherNet/IP™ (EtherNet/IP™ scanner)
    • TF6300 | TwinCAT 3 FTP Client

      TF6300 | TwinCAT 3 FTP Client

      easy access from TwinCAT PLC to FTP server
    • TF6310 | TwinCAT 3 TCP/IP

      TF6310 | TwinCAT 3 TCP/IP

      communication via generic TCP/IP server
    • TF6311 | TwinCAT 3 TCP/UDP Realtime

      TF6311 | TwinCAT 3 TCP/UDP Realtime

      TwinCAT 3 TCP/UDP Realtime enables fast and convenient access from real-time to an Ethernet network
    • TF6340 | TwinCAT 3 Serial Communication

      TF6340 | TwinCAT 3 Serial Communication

      communication via serial Bus Terminals or PC COM ports with the 3964R and RK512 protocol
    • TF6350 | TwinCAT 3 SMS/SMTP

      TF6350 | TwinCAT 3 SMS/SMTP

      sending SMS and e-mails from the PLC
    • TF6360 | TwinCAT 3 Virtual Serial COM

      TF6360 | TwinCAT 3 Virtual Serial COM

      virtual serial COM driver for Windows platforms
    • TF6420 | TwinCAT 3 Database Server

      TF6420 | TwinCAT 3 Database Server

      interface for communication with various database systems from Microsoft SQL to MySQL and SqLite to MongoDB or InfluxDB
    • TF6421 | TwinCAT 3 XML Server

      TF6421 | TwinCAT 3 XML Server

      read and write access to XML files from the PLC
    • TF6500 | TwinCAT 3 IEC 60870-5-10x

      TF6500 | TwinCAT 3 IEC 60870-5-10x

      communication according to IEC 60870-101 (master and slave), -102 (master), -103 (master), -104 (master and slave)
    • TF6510 | TwinCAT 3 IEC 61850/IEC 61400-25

      TF6510 | TwinCAT 3 IEC 61850/IEC 61400-25

      communication according to IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25 in the versions client and server, as well as via GOOSE as publisher and subscriber
    • TF6600 | TwinCAT 3 RFID Reader Communication

      TF6600 | TwinCAT 3 RFID Reader Communication

      connection of RFID readers to the TwinCAT PLC
    • TF6620 | TwinCAT 3 S7 Communication

      TF6620 | TwinCAT 3 S7 Communication

      enables TCP/IP based communication with variables of a Siemens S7 controller