
MD6xxx | DC link power supplies

The DC link power supplies generate the DC link voltage for supplying the axis modules and the option modules from the mains voltage. It contains all of the circuit components required for this, such as line filters, rectifiers and charging circuits for the integrated DC link capacitors.

Your selection:
    • MD6020-0003-2345 | DC link power supply, 400 V AC/20 A, external braking resistor, B23

      MD6020-0003-2345 | DC link power supply, 400 V AC/20 A, external braking resistor, B23

      Product status:
      product announcement
    • MD6040-0003-3445 | DC link power supply, 400 V AC/40 A, external braking resistor, B23

      MD6040-0003-3445 | DC link power supply, 400 V AC/40 A, external braking resistor, B23

      Product status:
      product announcement