
Beckhoff Automation (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

静安区汶水路 299 弄 9-10 号
上海, 200072, 中国

+86 21 6631 2666

TwinCAT Analytics One-Click Dashboard

TwinCAT Analytics 一键生成操作界面

TwinCAT Analytics

TwinCAT Analytics 软件工具用于分析一台本地设备或多台分布式设备中的数据。TwinCAT Analytics 产品系列包含完整的数据分析工作流程,包括各种用于分析实时数据和历史数据的算法。通过 TwinCAT Analytics 软件处理成有价值的信息并为企业决策提供依据,数据就是这个分析工作流程中的“原材料”。

我们的数据价值链 — TwinCAT Analytics 的流程步骤

下面,我们将带您了解完整的数据分析流程:从原始数据的采集到采取可行的措施以及优化策略,当然,所有这一切都完全基于 TwinCAT Analytics。

通过 EtherCAT 直接在设备上进行高精度数据采集
通过 EtherCAT 直接在设备上进行高精度数据采集

1 步:原始数据采集


数据分析的质量取决于数据本身的质量(“garbage in – garbage out,错进错出”)。因此,原始数据采集是数据价值创造过程的起点。若想成功进行数据分析,必须非常清楚哪些数据用于哪些目的,以及记录变化的速度(采样率)。TwinCAT Analytics 为连续采集过程图像提供多个功能选项。高采样率有助于实时获取大量高质量的数据,为成功分析数据和建模奠定基础。使用 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Logger 可以实现最佳效果,但也可以使用其它应用成熟的技术和产品,如 TwinCAT 3 Scope ViewTwinCAT 3 Database Server


2 步:数据存储和通信


在数据采集完成之后或在数据采集过程中,数据必须被传输或存储。我们的产品可为用户提供各种可能性。实时数据可以直接通过 ADS 或 MQTT 传输,以便用于实时分析。如果最初是在本地目标系统上或在网络中用 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Storage Provider 存储历史数据,则可以将分析文件迁移到另一个系统中,便于日后存档。还可以导入数据库或导出为其它文件格式。


步骤 3:数据准备和探索性(预)分析


在很多情况下,数据预处理以及探索性预分析是通往数据分析成功之路的最重要步骤。因为一开始数据是一团乱的,根本不清楚哪些数据流需要使用哪些算法进行处理才能实现有意义的、能够提供预期结果和行动方案建议的数据分析链。因此,必须首先要定义哪些数据流是相关联的,必要时按照时间段和事件进行定义。TwinCAT 3 Analytics WorkbenchTwinCAT 3 Analytics Service Tool 中集成的 Data Scout(数据探测)功能可以实现这一点。通过它可以快速概览各个数据集,也能够切割和连接不同数据集中的数据,以便形成一个新的数据流。在选择好合适的数据后,还需要找到合适的算法和链接。因此,集成有配置程序的 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench 提供了最大可行性。用户可以轻松将工具箱中的各种算法拖放到配置程序中,将它们与数据及其它算法关联起来,并根据用户的想法设置它们的参数。如果用户需要定制算法,也可以使用新的 Analytics Lambda 函数并借助向导扩展现有的算法。

从信号采集到通过布署 Runtime 进行开发以及反馈到加工过程中的完整处理流程
从信号采集到通过布署 Runtime 进行开发以及反馈到加工过程中的完整处理流程

第 4 步:24/7 全天候数据采集、数据分析并集成到系统中


在确定了相关数据后,可以选中它,进行连续的数据采集。为此可以再次配置 TwinCAT Analytics Logger;它在控制系统运行期间写入选定的数据流,从而实现连续的数据采集。自动代码生成允许由先前在 Workbench 中创建的针对特定问题的数据分析链生成 PLC 代码。然后可以将它永久地集成到系统运行中,并对记录的数据进行 24/7 全天候分析。这样就能够及时和有预见性地发现可能出现的错误,甚至能够在经过很长一段时间后发现数据相关性以及优化潜力。

通过 Web 操作界面和报表分组展示数据分析结果
通过 Web 操作界面和报表分组展示数据分析结果

第 5 步:数据分析结果的可视化


将数据分析永久地集成到系统运行中后的下一个合乎逻辑的步骤是持续显示机器状态和分析结果。一键创建操作界面可以显著缩短这个步骤,而且用户实施起来也特别容易。用户甚至可以在设计 Workbench 的分析模型时设置后期操作界面的配置。然后会自动生成操作界面,并可以灵活地进行定制。这样可为用户提供一个解释性可视化数据和分析结果,并将其集成到直观的 TwinCAT HMI 用户界面中。


第 6 步:措施和优化


连续数据分析可用于得出持续的改进措施,以缩短设备停机时间,延长设备和系统的使用寿命,提高产品质量。此外,可以从 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench 或 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Service Tool 的“按需”分析结果中得出潜力优化方案(如优化过程或设备),并集成到生产过程中。当行动建议和结果是在变量层上得出时,也可以直接将它们写回到控制层中,完成分析-行动循环。


TE1300 | TwinCAT 3 Scope View Professional

TE1300 | TwinCAT 3 Scope View Professional

The TwinCAT 3 Scope View is a software oscilloscope for the graphic representation of signal curves in different chart types. These could be, for example, YT, XY, bar or digital charts. The Scope View Professional extends the Scope View Base version supplied with TwinCAT 3 XAE by additional functionalities. The field of application refers to processes that are to be tracked and monitored over a longer period of time.

TE3500 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench

TE3500 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench

The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench is a TwinCAT 3 engineering product for the creation of continual data analyses from various spatially distributed machine controllers. The configuration of the workbench is integrated in Microsoft Visual Studio® and serves as the graphic user interface. Many algorithms are available in a toolbox for the configuration of the analysis:

TE3520 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Service Tool

TE3520 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Service Tool

The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Service Tool is used for commissioning the machine and for service engineers. Live and historical data can be retrieved for an analysis via the IoT connection. The analysis is configured in Microsoft Visual Studio® where the user has access to a toolbox of algorithms for implementing the relevant life time, cycle time, envelope or component counter analysis. The outputs of the algorithms can be used as inputs for other algorithms or can be output as a result directly in the graphical editor. Signal paths can be visualized with ease by means of parallel recording with the TwinCAT Scope. Analysis results can be dragged by the user from the analytics configurator and dropped in the charting tool so as to mark the significant positions in the data stream. The interaction between the product components offers advantages in particular for diagnosing machine behavior and can highlight optimization potential. The user’s location is immaterial owing to the IoT technologies used, which means that service technicians can perform system and machine diagnostics from practically any location.

TF3500 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Logger

TF3500 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Logger

The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Logger ensures the cycle-synchronous acquisition of process and application data from the machine controller. The logger is characterized by high performance because it works directly in the real-time context of the TwinCAT controller. The data acquired is optionally transmitted to a message broker via the IoT communication protocol MQTT or stored locally in a file on the hard drive of the machine control and recorded with ring buffer functionality. The configuration necessary for this is done in Microsoft Visual Studio® within the TwinCAT project. All variables of the process image and the PLC application can easily be added to the configuration via checkbox without any programming effort.

TF3510 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Library

TF3510 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Library

The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Library is a PLC library with analysis functions for process and application data. It can be used locally on the machine controller or on a remote analysis system with an IoT communication connection. In both use cases, a great deal of engineering time can be saved with the automatic PLC code generation by the TE3500 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench. For local use, only the mapping takes place manually; in the IoT workflow, even the mapping is omitted and is carried out automatically.

TF3520 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Storage Provider

TF3520 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Storage Provider

The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Storage Provider is an MQTT client and provides an interface between one or more MQTT message brokers and the relevant data storage units. Various controllers can send data via MQTT, which the storage provider can then store centrally. This can be cyclic raw data or pre-processed data. Historized data is also imported via the storage provider. The storage provider can thus output the data in Engineering for the service technician or in an analytics dashboard in the interactive chart for the production manager.

TF3550 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime

TF3550 | TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime

The TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime is the runtime “container” for the Analytics application, which was configured and developed in the TE3500 TwinCAT 3 Analytics Workbench. The runtime can be installed locally, on remote hardware or in a virtual machine. It also contains the TF2000 TwinCAT 3 HMI Server, which hosts the analytics dashboard. In summary, the TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime represents a bundle of different licenses. It contains a PLC runtime, the Analytics PLC library, the IoT connection with MQTT and HTTPS/Rest, the Storage Provider connection, the TwinCAT 3 HMI Server and a corresponding client package, so that several users can view the designed Analytics Dashboard simultaneously.

TF35xx | New features

TF35xx | New features

The TwinCAT 3 Analytics functions have been enhanced.